
The Single Most imprtant Habit of Successful Entrepreneurs.   The single most imporatnt habit of successful entrepenerus,and 
people in general, is the habit of and do dication to punctuality.

It is possible that simple being where you're supposed to be when you're supposed to be there as promised, without exception, 
without excuse,every time,all the time- is so powerful it literally determishes success or failure?

A person reveals a great deal about himself by his punctuality or look of punctrality. If you are not a puntual person, others you wish
to positively influence likely negatively judge you.

Being puntual gives you the right to expect and damand that others treat your time with the utmost respect. You cannot reasonalbly hope 
to have others treat your time. The punctual person gains that advantage over staff asssocates, Vendors, Clients-everybody who cannot 
keep oppointments on time, cannot keep scheduled commitments or cannot stick to a schedule.


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